How to manually Install and connect to HASS of Docker because different architdcture

So I am running HASS fully managed on a Libre board (RPI alternative, ARM64, installed debian, then fully managed HASS).

Want to install the eWelink integration as explained here eWeLink connect to Home Assistant - eWeLink.
BUT it doesn’t support arm64 says the error message.
Brave (or stupid) enough I built and installed it manually on the debian, as described here GitHub - CoolKit-Technologies/ha-addon and it works.

but it is not recognized in the HASS of course as it wasn’t installed form there.


  1. What is the way “to do this right”?
  2. How to “connect” it to HASS so the devices are recognized inside HASS?


That’s not an integration, that’s an add-on.

Integrations connect HA to other services/software/hardware or provide services in HA.
Add-ons are other software, which you can potentially integrate with

You want something like SonoffLAN.

Thanks so much @tinkerer. this was super helpful. Appreciated.