Dear community!
I am just trying to get my Conbee2 stick to work.
It seems like I have to map it into my HA Docker-Container, but I have no idea how…
I am using a supervised install on a Raspi4.
Maybe someone can give me a hint?
Is there somewhere a config-file where I can modifiy the startup-parameters of the container?
If you are using homeassistant supervised, you don’t need to map anything. HA should find your stick. Look in the supervisor tab -> system under hardware.
insmod /lib/modules/usbserial.ko
insmod /lib/modules/ftdi_sio.ko
Save and make it executable (chmod 755), then reboot
recheck which should show something like “/dev/ttyUSB0”
you could also just try the two insmod commands but these don't survive a reboot, the script will.