I have a DHT-22 temperature sensor that reports it’s values via a MQTT queue, but when the value is displayed in HA it looks like this rather than the graph of temperatures I was expecting:
How do I mark it as a value to be graphed?
I have a DHT-22 temperature sensor that reports it’s values via a MQTT queue, but when the value is displayed in HA it looks like this rather than the graph of temperatures I was expecting:
How do I mark it as a value to be graphed?
unit_of_measurement: "C"
unit_of_measurement: '°C'
to be precise (mind the °) …
I’ve tried both the suggestions here & it still just shows as it does in the original post.
Here’s the config:
- platform: mqtt
state_topic: bruh/sensornode1
name: "Office Temperature"
unit_of_measurment: °C
value_template: '{{ value_json.temperature | round(1) }}'
Currently no quotes round the unit of measurement, but I’ve tried it with & without, double & single quotes …