How to measure voltage the chip is getting on esp32?

On esp8266, there is a very easy way to do it

  - platform: adc
    pin: VCC
    name: "VCC Voltage"

How to do it on esp32 without adding any hardware?

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The doc you linked to tells you exactly how to do that on an esp32.

Read through it again and check the table with esp32 pins which can be used as ADC1.

Based on a brief look, all you’d need to change from the code you posted above is the second line.
pin: VCC becomes pin: GPIO34 or whatever pin you’re using.

The esp32 unfortunately does not have any internal supply voltage monitor. The Vin circuitry has no connection to the processor.

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Ah, my bad. I missed the fact you want to measure the chip voltage and not that of an external component.

Based on a quick search, it seems this is a hardware limitation of the ESP32 and not something you can fix by software. Sorry to be the bearer of bad news.

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