How to migrate Aeon Labs Z-Stick Gen5 EU from Domoticz to HA?

I just started with HA and want to migrate from Domoticz to HA. Until now I fixed almost everything, but my last step is to unplug the Aeon Labs Z-stick from Domoticz and add this to HA. Is this possible without exclude all devices and include them one by one again in HA?
For z-wave until now I have installed Z-Wave JS, plugged in the Z-stick did the configuration in Z-Wave JS, but I don’t see any device added, control panel, …
I also didn’t find any clear documentation on how to install the Aeon Labs Z-stick.

There should be no need for reconfiguration of your Z-Wave network - everything is kept on the stick itself. So if you cannot see previously configured devices in HA it means that most likely your stick is not properly configured in HA. In Z-Wave JS you should see at least stick as controller device. In Configuration->Integrations you should see your stick discovered by Z-Wave JS (in my case I had it previosly configured manually, so I chose to ignore discovery):
Screenshot 2021-11-28 at 10.26.42
What type of installation are you running? This would help to figure out what might go wrong with stick discovery…

@mirekmal: Thanks for your reply. I did some more testing this evening, but there seems to be a problem with the usb-ports on the RPi 4! Sometimes it sees that the stick is inserted, but then the /dev/serial/… disappears again :frowning: Also lsusb is showing then empty usb ports. So I will try an installation on an other RPi 4.

there is a known issue with RPi usb ports and aeotec sticks, you need to put a usb hub tbetween them to achieve stability.