How to migrate from SD Card to USB


I am running on a Raspberry Pi 3 Model B+ … and now I would like to use an external SSD instead of the SD card. Do I just need to etch the image on the SSD like I did for the SD Card and it should work?


Yes that should work, see

thanks … tried it but it is not booting. do I need to install a docker or something similar?

Hi, I used release candidate 3.5 to install Hassio on my M2 SATA SSD. Straighforward installation. Everything works so far

My impression is that boot from USB was implemented in RC 3.4. Hopfully it will be included in next official release. Link below:

I used the hassos_rpi3-64-3.5.img.gz image.

I used hassos_rpi3-3.5.img.gz image … I guess it’s the 32bit version.
Did you just etched the image on the SSD, plugged it in a Pi 3B+ with default settings and powered on?

Yes, but as you mentioned with the 64bit version.

In a single test with SD card and Pi3B+ the 32bit version did not work at my place, so I have only used the 64but version thereafter. Don’t know what went wrong though with the 32bit version. Probably some easy mistake on my side…

For info
USB/SSD setup:
SSD: Kingston A400 120GB M.2 SSD
Case: “Whitebox” external cabinet for M.2 SATA SSD med USB 3.1 Type-C (compatible with USB2)

hmmm will wait for the 32bit version then :slight_smile:
thanks again :slight_smile: