How to mimic Statistics Graph shading like the cooling/heating shading?

I’m trying to show the “activated” time of my whole house fan (which is connected to a smart switch in HA) under the graph of my house temperature sensors like the cooling/heating cycles of my HVAC climate integration (Ecobee) show up in blue and orange in my graph.

Like so. However, when I add my Whole House Fan switch to this graph as another entity, it instead shows it above like this:

As history “bar”. Diving into the code editor of this graph, I do not see any special code that causes the “Entry Thermostat heating” statistic to show up as shaded fill underneath the target temperature line. Is there a way to add my whole house fan switch here with shading in a similar way?

You can’t do it with the core charts as they only plot sensors with the same unit of measurement on the same graph. You will have to use a third party card like Apex Charts or mini-graph card that allow for two Y-axes.