(Stevland Ambrose)
January 19, 2025, 6:26pm
Am I missing something? I’m surprised to be the first to ask this question.
Is there a way to modify the width of the left Sidebar? The wasted real estate is driving me nuts.
I’m currently using custom-sidebar and card-mod-theme to style the Sidebar.
sidebar-card seemed promising, but unfortunately I found it too unstable.
I have the perfect CSS that I believe would suit my purposes, but (I’d love to be wrong about this) I don’t think even card-mod-theme can inject CSS that high up the element tree.
:host([expanded]) {
--mdc-drawer-width: calc(200px + env(safe-area-inset-left));
Is there a way to inject this with jQuery on page load?
I am open to any suggestions.
Why not asking in card-mod-theme thread ?
(Stevland Ambrose)
January 19, 2025, 10:45pm
That makes sense!
But wait! Amazingly, I think I stumbled my way into a working solution.
I’m loading the following in a js file as a lovelace resource:
const style = document.createElement('style');
style.innerHTML = `
:host([expanded]) {
--mdc-drawer-width: calc(200px + env(safe-area-inset-left)) !important;
document.querySelector("body > home-assistant").shadowRoot.querySelector("home-assistant-main").shadowRoot.appendChild(style);
I’m still testing it, but so far it doesn’t seem to interfere with the narrow (collapesed) Sidebar, nor with the Sidebar in mobile view.
Stable, too!
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Good mod for people who are not using themes.
(have not tested your solution , will do it in a week)
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By the way, it should be added not as a dashboard resource, but globally as external module.
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(Stevland Ambrose)
January 20, 2025, 10:15pm
Thank you for your encouragement and tips!
I’m still tweaking away at getting it to work the way I want it to in desktop vs mobile mode.
But once I am ready to move on I’ll figure out what you mean by ‘external module’.
Means - by “external_module_url” option in configuration.yaml. Answering from mobile, may spell this option a bit incorrectly, search in docs.
It should be “extra”, not external.
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I’d say this would be something for the custom-sidebar plugin if it would be an officially supported element.
why not ask in the discussion section of elchininet/custom-sidebar · Discussions · GitHub
Elchininet is a very active developer, and very willing to add these types of options if possible
The more variants we have - the better.
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