How to monitor Addon

I use Samba Backup addon for HA backup. I would like to display the info on UI such as(if all of them are possible somehow):-
Backup Status: Running or Not Running Note:- I am not looking for Addon Status
Last Finished:
Backups local: # of backups
Backups remote: # of backups
Warning: display a list of warnings

Any help is appreciated and thank you.

Pretty sure these are the only sensors available:

type: entities
title: Samba Backup
  - entity: sensor.samba_backup
    icon: mdi:file-replace-outline
    name: Backup Status
  - attribute: backups_local
    entity: sensor.samba_backup
    icon: mdi:file-outline
    name: Local Backups
    type: attribute
  - attribute: backups_remote
    entity: sensor.samba_backup
    icon: mdi:file-move-outline
    name: Remote Backups
    type: attribute
  - attribute: total_backups_succeeded
    entity: sensor.samba_backup
    icon: mdi:file-check-outline
    name: Succeded Backups
    type: attribute
  - attribute: total_backups_failed
    entity: sensor.samba_backup
    icon: mdi:file-cancel-outline
    name: Failed Backups
    type: attribute
  - attribute: last_backup
    entity: sensor.samba_backup
    icon: mdi:file-clock-outline
    name: Last Backup
    type: attribute
show_header_toggle: false

Though I have not checked for quite a while.

EDIT: seems to be up to date:

Isn’t that all in the addon ui?

What do you mean?

There is no UI for Samba Backup.

Sorry I was thinking of the google drive addon.

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Having an issue when Addon is not running it does not show anything and bunch of lines with Entity not available.
How do you show in this case ?

I don’t turn the addon off.

For me Addon is not off either. What I meant was it will only show entities info when it is actually doing the backup- if that makes sense. When backlup is finished entities show error as Entity not available.

Ah. I remember that issue now. You need to add this startup automation:

- id: 46ba1b3e-14bc-4237-abb6-e9146eacc575
  alias: 'Startup'
    platform: homeassistant
    event: start
  - service: hassio.addon_stdin
      addon: 15d21743_samba_backup
      input: restore-sensor

Wow, that worked like a charm. I wonder how many more tips are out there that I will come across.
Thanks much!!

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It is in the documentation: There’s even a blueprint.