I have a waterpump, that pumps water to my house water system, every time the faucet is opened, someone takes shower or uses wc, etc
Water pump turns on for about 3-4 seconds (to get the pressure in the system) and then turns off. I am trying to get the count how many times has it turned on in a day. At this time i was unable to get exact count. I have tried three different smart outlets, to check the Wolts or Amps, when the pump is on. With simple logic as this
friendly_name: Water Pump tplink
value_template: >-
{% if states('sensor.water_pump_watts')|float > 0 %}
{% else %}
{% endif %}
The problem is that the outlets report the W or A state with latecny or refresh ir relly slow, so the template sensor misses a lot of pump turn ons. Like if the person is in the shower, the pump turns on very often for a short periods of time, so the outlet does not keep up with the real count.
I have tried
TP-link kasa WIFI smart outlet tp link hs110 - has the closest update interval, if using automation
- alias: "Update HS110 TP link"
initial_state: 'on'
- platform: time_pattern
seconds: '/2'
- service: homeassistant.update_entity
- switch.water_pump
But HA logs are full of warnings, that is already running, and still not perfect.
Blitzwolf BW-SHP2 wifi outlet (with Tasmota)
On tasmota page, the Amps and Watts are updated fast, but in hassio interface it comes with big latency and does not update so often.
Xiaomi zigbee ZNCZ04LM (zigbee2mqtt)
really slow update in HA interface.
Maybe someone have any ideas how to monitor the turn on count of the pump, maybe using some other devices.