How to move the lock icon and change name color?

I’m using GitHub - custom-cards/button-card: ❇️ Lovelace button-card for home assistant . When I click the button, I have a lock that gets enabled so that you cannot click the button again until its finished. When its clicked, a small padlock is shown. I figured out that I can change the color of the padlock as well as move it.

How is it possible to move it right after the name instead of in the corner? And is it also possible to change the text color when the lock is enabled, lets say, make it grey or something?

type: custom:button-card
  action: call-service
  service: script.vacuum_clean_segments
  confirmation: false
  service_data: {}
  target: {}
  enabled: >-
    [[[return states['group.vacuum_rooms'].state !== 'on' ||
    states['vacuum.valetudo_decimallivelycockroach'].state !== 'docked']]]
  exemptions: []
entity: script.vacuum_clean_segments
name: Starta sektionsstädning
show_state: false
show_icon: false
    - justify-content: flex-center
    - align-items: flex-center
    - color: yellow

Sounds like something you should be asking on the GitHub of the custom card developer