How to navigate to other screens, settings etc?

I’m pretty sure when I first installed the app I could swipe right from the edge of the screen to pull out the HA menu and navigate to other screens and settings etc. This seems to have vanished. I’m stuck on the home screen. If I swipe right nothing happens. If I click the left arrow to the left of Home nothing happens. If I tap the 3 dot menu I get Search (which doesn’t search for other screens or settings), Assist and Edit Dashboard.

How do I navigate to other screens & settings in the app?

Is it possible to install an earlier version of the app to get the functionality back?

Normally you have to tap the title of the additional dashboard, swiping was as far as i know not possible with the app.
There is a custom component, with this one you can swipe left or right:

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You used to be able to, but it was removed.

Thanks. I’ll give that a try.

Thanks. Seems like a backward step to me but what do I know :man_shrugging: