How to organise areas

I’ve been using HA for a few months now and am getting a sense of how to set up most of it. One thing I’m not clear on is how to divide up spaces in my house.

With mm wave devices such as the Aqara FP2 and also with odd shaped rooms I’m trying organise my HomeAssistant spaces but not sure how to proceed.

For example
This is effectively three spaces - bedroom, walk-in wardrobe and en-suite. There are motion/presence sensors for each space. I want to be able to control some things at the room area (audio, heating, blinds, windows), but other things - such as lights and extractor fan in the sub-spaces.

This is an open plan kitchen / dining room with an Aqara FP2. This is set up as a multi-zone space - preparation / dining / transit. I’d like to control the lights according to time of day, occupancy zone and number of people present.

I imagine my areas in a hierarchy.
Food prep,Dining, Kitchen Transit are areas in the kitchen.
En Suite plus Wardrobe is a sub set of the bedroom area.

Areas can also be quite fluid - for example if I leave a window open I want to turn of the heating in that area - this sounded straightforward to me until I realise that I need to check if the door is open to the rest of the house.

Walk-in wardrobe is part of bedroom
En-suite is part of bedroom
Bedroom has three sub-areas (one not specifically defined)
Bedroom is part of upstairs area
Upstairs is part of house area
If bedroom window is open how many radiators should I turn off?

What ideas or conventions do you use to show this sort of relationship?

Do you stick to the room level for areas or do you prefer something smaller?


While I have been placing my entities in areas (room name) I have never used an area in an automation. (Legacy) Groups are more versatile as they can be nested where as areas can not.

Kitchen presence sensor controls kitchen light group.

Upstairs door and window group (made up of upstairs room window and door groups) controls upstairs ducted heating.

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Thank you, I’ll take a look at groups - why are they legacy though?


There’s an explanation here: