How to pair IKEA ICPSH24-10EU-IL-1

I have this LED power supply from IKEA:

I’m using ZHA with a Conbee II stick. I cannot find any way to make this thing pair! The manual says, that there is a reset hole somewhere, but there isn’t any. The only thing I can do is pressing this small button (with the LED turned on). I can press this button after powering on, while powering on, holding it for ages… But nothing happens. ZHA just does not see this device.

I’ve already updated the Conbee II firmware. But that does not change anything. I also did this “6-times-on-off” trick that is required for IKEA bulbs. Also no success.

Is there any advice for me, how I can proceed to find out what is missing?

Thank you!

I don’t own it, but zigbee2mqtt says something about using a clip. Isn’t there a small hole on the other side of the device?

IKEA ICPSHC24-10EU-IL-1 control via MQTT | Zigbee2MQTT

To factory reset the TRADFRI drivers use a small pin or paperclip to push the reset button once. NB: you HAVE to put the device VERY close to the zigbee device, otherwise it won’t be able to detect

Yes, I’ve seen that page already. But look at my photos: There is no hole, instead there is a button and the powerconnector is also different from that rendered image.

Even with deCONZ / Phoscon App I cannot find the device.
I own it for several year now. I did not yet use the wireless function.

Even the ikea documentation mentions a hole for a paperclip. Strange…

why not open it up?

Seems to be a different device.

Yes, that’s right! I totally missed this. I will do a search…

Maybe I will

Ah, ok…

This LED driver is “pre-zigbee”. IKEA had some other wireless devices before zigbee. I’ll need a new one.

Thank you for your good eyes, @Heinz :slight_smile:

Did you find a way? Or should I just throw them away? They are supposed to be wireless, but no clue how to use them.

Sorry for my late reply. These old devices have some IKEA proprietary wireless stuff. No zigbee at all. I put a zigbee switching socket in front of it. So I don’t use the wireless feature of this device.

I hopre that helps.