How to pass elk m1 code for arming?

Hey everybody, I’m very new to home assistant. I have the elk m1 integrated, but I want the alarm panel to pass the user code when arming away or home. I don’t really know how to do this. Can anybody assist?

I’m not sure I understand your question but you can add an Alarm card to your dashboard and used it to enter your code.



Where do you want the code passed from and to?

When I click arm home or arm away, I don’t want to have to enter a code. I only want to use the code to disarm.

You can create an automation to do this. The automation would call the Arm service and supply the code.

Ok, can the automation be called by the existing arm home/arm away buttons?

Don’t know, but there are some discussions about this here:
Alarm panel control code just to disarm.

And you can probably search for similar solutions by following these suggestions: Tips on Searching for Answers & Duplicate Topics in the Forum

Thanks. I am struggling to grasp the best way to tackle this. Not sure if I should use the ui, or go to the config yaml instead.

I think you will want to learn about automations (Automating Home Assistant - Home Assistant) to control / react to your alarm system. Using automations will greatly reduce the need to enter any code.

I rarely arm / disarm my alarm system using the keypad / code because I use automation to detect when we are home (using Presence Detection) and time of day.

I will definitely want to do some of that, but will absolutely need a keypad panel at times.

The only time I use the HA alarm panel is when I am away and I disarm the system for a visitor (using the companion app); so, I don’t mind entering the 4-digit code.

I may be in the minority, but I do not have any tablets or other UI devices mounted in strategic locations for my family to use - I want the automations to do all the work. So, they must continue to use the ELK M1 keypad or HA on their mobile device.

Looks like this feature might exist in version 2024.6. I have not tested this.