How to permit_join permanently in zigbee2mqtt 2?

I have an isolated home and devices that seem to fall off the zigbee network regularly, unless z2m allows devices to join, so my solution to date has been to just permit_join permanently. However, a recent upgrade of z2m has left permit_join off and I can only enable it for the 4 minutes or so I get in the UI.

Things I’ve tried:

  1. Home assistant addon config. No option for permit join here but I chose ‘edit in YAML’ and added permit_join: true at the top level. This didn’t have any effect and didn’t show up in the ‘raw’ config you can view in the UI.
  2. Settings UI. The ‘main’ category of the settings UI is blank for me and just has a Submit button. I can’t find a permit join option anywhere else.
  3. Manual config edit. I edited /homeassistant/zigbee2mqtt/configuration.yaml in the file editor and added a top-level permit_join: true. This shows up nested under config.permit_join in the raw config view, but there’s still a top level permit_join: false that seems to be the one that takes effect. Joining is still disabled by default.

I guess the blankness of the “Main” view of the settings UI is maybe part of the problem? Not sure if it’s related:

This sounds suspiciously like an XY problem.

Have you read this thread and followed the recommendations first?
I’m asking because setting permit_join to be constantly on might cause more issues than it solves and is rarely recommended unless you have specific Livolo switches.