How to ping from the HA VM

Hi all,

Rookie question… I have Home Assistant installed on a Virtual Box VM. It’s mostly working and has integration with devices on the network, but there are a few things not working. First thing I should do is make sure HA has access to them.

  • Is it possible to log into the HA VM and ping external machines?
  • How can I check if the HA VM has internet access?


  • OS of the VM?
  • Installation method of HA?
  • Virtual box on Windows 10
  • Ubuntu image

I know nothing about Ubuntu. Hoping someone can tell me how to log into it and run commands to test the above.


What Ubuntu hassio image? There is either HassOS, or you installed Hassio via a script in Ubuntu. These are completely different things.

Seems to me if you installed Ubuntu, and ran the commands to install hassio, you would know how to login to Ubuntu on the console of your VM…so I am guessing you used the HassOS image (vmdk) and well, you can login to the console there just the same.

Perhaps you should clarify how you installed Hassio then? I’m not sure what you want, but you have a console sitting in front of you in the VM software you are using…

  • how do I get to a command line on the console (if that’s what’s needed)? Currently I’m looking at a screen without a command prompt (pointing out how little I know of this console).
  • what command do I run to ping an IP address?

If you are running the hassio VMDK, it literally starts in a command line. What do you see on the screen? A login? Username would be root, and there should be no password.


If I press enter it shows a login prompt. I can log in with “root”, taking me to the “hassio >” prompt. Although when I type ping or anything (including ping…)else I get the response:

Error: unknown command “…” for “hassio”
Run ‘hassio --help’ for usage.

When I type “hassio --help” I get:

Error: unknown command “hassio” for “hassio”
did you mean this?

Run ‘hassio --help’ for usage.

etc. etc.

There is no Ping command available.

Type cli?

I don’t remember the exact term, but hitting the tab key should give you a list of possible commands.

U type “Login” in the HassOS prompt then u get the “OS Prompt” with PING etc

Can’t you please tell us what you installed and how?

// Lazze

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I simply followed these instructions:
for the VMDK - VMWare install option.

There is no Ping option available.

When I log in as root I get this:

If I type anything including cli or ping, I get this:

And when I type hassio --help I get this:

and when I type hassos --help I get this:

because you are in the Hassio CLI. Did you try what @Lazzerman said? type “login”

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How do i stop it from keeping on pinging every second?

I started it with: ping -t and now it won’t stop repeating its request automatically every second

got it, type: press Ctrl + C in the command prompt window

on mac it is: Alt + C