I would like to see a conditional card on the dashboard telling me whether there are any updates available for anything I can do this for each device individually plus the HA core, OS, etc. but I’d like one card for all.
How would you want it displayed? You can have a list using the custom auto-entities card, a number using a template sensor, a binary sensor for on/off (also possible with template sensors). Do you want really all, or list specific ones? Then a group would do.
Just a binary sensor telling me there are updates available would do
Create a group and add all entities starting with “update.” that you want. The state of the group will be on if any of the entities turns on due to an update.
…which should be updated automatically when a new custom plugin / custom card is added / removed.
Since you know that it could be a template binary sensor - define it’s state (enumerate and check all “update” entities), then show this binary sensor as you like (Entity card, Tile card, …).
Here’s a template sensor I use that is true if any update sensor is true:
- binary_sensor:
- name: Main Updates Available
state: >-
{{ (states.update |
selectattr('state', 'eq', 'on') |
list |
count) > 0 }}
From there you could use the conditional disability on something like a tile card so that it shows only when there are updates available.