How To play media playlist

Howto play media playlist in homeassistant to plexmediaplayer?

I’m running Homeassistant v0.96.5 on Ubuntu Server 18.10 via Python VENV.
Plex Media Player is running on Intel Nuc on Ubuntu Desktop 16.04.

Used instructions at:


  alias: Cinema Music On
  - data:
      entity_id: media_player.cinema_amplifier
      source: Streambox
    service: media_player.select_source
  - data:
      entity_id: media_player.cinema_amplifier
      volume_level: '0.40'
    service: media_player.volume_set
  - data:
      entity_id: media_player.cinema_streambox
      media_content_id: '{ "playlist_name": "Relax", "shuffle": "1" }'
      media_content_type: PLAYLIST
    service: media_player.play_media

Also tried it using Developer Tools -> Services


  "media_content_id": "{ \"playlist_name\": \"Relax\", \"shuffle\": \"1\" }",
  "media_content_type": "PLAYLIST",
  "entity_id": "media_player.cinema_streambox"


  "media_content_id": "{ \"library_name\": \"Music Donald\", \"artist_name\": \"Bluetech\", \"album_name\": \"Cosmic Dubs\", \"track_name\": \"Somatic Serenade\", \"shuffle\": \"1\" }",
  "media_content_type": "MUSIC",
  "entity_id" : "media_player.cinema_streambox"

But nothing happens, and nothing gets logged.

How to troubleshoot?

Best Regards,


I have been struggling with this for a long time as well. I have read lots of articles on the subject and I don’t believe anyone has gotten this to work.

It is possible to play a local playlist, the mp3 files being stored in … www / audio? I can play these files one by one, but not as a playlist.

With plex?

If I got any error or something I can maybe debug it, having set error level at debug and still no errors are logged.

Not with Plex.
I would like to play a local playlist (stored on PI) on Google Home.
I can play an mp3 file stored on PI in a folder (www / audio). I would like to play all the files stored in this file.

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@costy did you solve it? How did you do it?