Wanted to make some changes to the Renault integration. I copied everything to custom_components, changed the domain and some more and verified that I could load the integration and trigger actions.
I made some necessary changes to the renault-api python library, but how do I test the integration in the custom_component without first publishing the python package ?
I modified manifest.json and updated the requirements to:
"requirements": [
"renault-api @ git+https://github.com/xxxxx/renault-api.git@85fd5a4d3460f1040b65fd90eed79c9feb2ecf7d"
However, when restarting HA it is not picking up the new version of the api. I’m sure the syntax is correct, because a pip install git+https:// is able to install the correct version.
How should i do this ?
Thx in advance !