How to prevent Frigate integration from filling up hard drive?

I have frigate installed on a different server, to prevent exactly this issue. However, the frigate integration still pulls these images it seems and fills up disk space at rapid rate.

Not super worried yet (retain is set for 3 days or so) but it is following the frigate server settings and overwrite/rotate previous clips or do i need to setup something else ?

However, the frigate integration still pulls these images it seems and fills up disk space at rapid rate.

I’m not sure what you mean about the frigate integration and pulling images.

Not super worried yet (retain is set for 3 days or so) but it is following the frigate server settings and overwrite/rotate previous clips or do i need to setup something else ?

Frigate already clears out clips that are older than your config, this is handled automatically. If you put a value of days that is too large however frigate currently won’t stop from filling storage up.

Right now the best way is to calculate how much space 1 10-second segment takes up and then calculate how much 3 days is.

In 0.12 of frigate this will be handled automatically and frigate will ensure there’s always at least 1 worth hour of recording free space that is never used.

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Hey Nicholas, thanks for your reply.

I’m not exactly sure how the integration works, but i still have a folder in media (the one with the frigate bird) with all the clips and recordings. I suspect this is what is filling up the disk space.

On a side note - what does the frigate proxy do exactly ? I have the normal frontend/hacs integration loaded, and point to a different frigate server for the content.

The integration is just reading the files from frigate itself, it is not separately saving those files.

The proxy just lets you take frigate that is running on another computer and have the frigate frontend inside home assistant. So if frigate is running on computer F and I have HA on computer B, it allows the HA dashboard to have a link to show the frigate webui.

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Right, so that shouldn’t fill up my HA diskspace then.