I setup the Olimex ESP32-POE and MOD-IO. The ESP32-POE and MOD-IO are connected with the UEXT cable / connector. I read in the manual that the boards can communicate via I2C. I use ESPHome in HA and have already setup an Olimex ESP32-POE with the MCP23017 gpio extender via I2c and also one with a UART setup both works great. Now I try to figure out how to program / communicate with the MOD-IO board but can’t find any example for ESPHome and don’t have the knowledge, get stuck here. It looks that the Olimex MOD-IO is not a platform in ESPhome. I like to switch the relays, can I do this with a template switch? If so, how or which (hex) code do I setup to switch relays and which to get an binary-sensor input.
On the Olimex website there are Arduino examples. My knowledge is not sufficient to convert that into ESPHome. Anyone know how or have experience?
You’d need to create a custom i2c component.