How to properly add water-consumption so that it will show up in the Energy Dashboard

I am using AI-on-the-edge (GitHub - jomjol/AI-on-the-edge-device) to measure my water-consumption. That’s working ok-ish and now I’d like to integrate it into my energy-dashboard since it now supports water consumption.
This is what my configuration currently looks like:

    - name: watermeter_m3
      state_class: total_increasing
      device_class: water
      state_topic: "watermeter/main/value"
      unit_of_measurement: m³
      icon: mdi:water
      unique_id: watermeter_m3
      json_attributes_topic: "watermeter/main/json"

    name: Wasser Jährlich
    source: sensor.watermeter_m3
    cycle: yearly
    name: Wasser Monatlich
    source: sensor.watermeter_m3
    cycle: monthly
    name: Wasser Wöchentlich
    source: sensor.watermeter_m3
    cycle: weekly
    name: Wasser Täglich
    source: sensor.watermeter_m3
    cycle: daily
    name: Wasser Stündlich
    source: sensor.watermeter_m3
    cycle: hourly

And that kind of works. So I have the entity watermeter_m3 which shows me the current value and when I click on it, also shows me the history for that sensor.

The only thing not working is it’s not showing up in my energy dashboard?!? Any idea why?

Also… before the latest update I tried a bit arround and wanted to add water as gas, just to see how it would look. Now I am having a hard time to get rid of that old data. Is there any advice? I already went to Developer-Tools → Statistics → and deleted everything there related to it, but on my energy-dashboard it still shows that old data, even without data, but still… it’s still there… and my new water sensor/utility-meter is not showing up.

Super happy to get some ideas :slight_smile:

Cheers, Georg

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I am also using AI-on-the-edge and sending the data with MQTT to Home Assistant.
My sensor are working and looks like this:

  - state_topic: "watermeter/Digital/value"
    name: "Water meter"  
    unit_of_measurement: "m³"
    device_class: water
    state_class: total_increasing
    icon: mdi:water
    unique_id: cce6f813-9240-49d6-b8e6-11849ab46012
    availability_topic: watermeter/connection
    payload_available: "connected"
    payload_not_available: "offline"

Have you included this entity in the recorder?
I have a strict setting for the recorder and before I added the entity there I could not add it as water source.