How to properly customize an entity

I want to customize the picture for the location entity in the Tesla Integration. This way a picture will show on the map instead of letters in a circle.

Below is what I entered in my customize.yaml.

  entity_picture: 'images/Model Y Top.png'

After I restart HA, all the associated sensors become unknown. For gauge cards, it says “entity is non-numeric”. Also, the image doesn’t display in the map, but the circle with letters disappears.

Any insight would be appreciated.

I wonder if it could be the spaces in the filename, have you tried replacing the spaces in the file to underscores or eliminating them entirely?

Ok. That helped. I thought the quotes would handle the spaces, but I needed to escape them/remove them.

The issue with my sensors is solved, but I don’t see the image in the map. It now shows a white circle with no letters. Maybe my image is too big? Are their constraints for the image? It’s a png.

I don’t know of the limitation, but you can try just downloading any random small image from the Internet, say 200x200 png, and see if it works and if it does then you have your answer. Are you saving your picture to /config/www?

My pictures were not in /config/www. I have moved them there and no change. I’ll try the smaller image when I have some time later.

When you move them to /config/www you don’t need to have /images unless there is a subdirectory under /config/www called images.

I have the images in /config/www. I also used /config/www in the customize.yaml. No luck getting an image to appear.

Got it figured out. Files go in /config/www/filename and the path in configurations is /local/filename.

If it’s in config/www you don’t need any path at all, that’s where I keep my avatars and I do not provide a path whatsoever, it’s kind of the point of using the www folder.

It’s the only way it worked for me. I’m using the docker installation, if that matters.