How to propose a minor backend and frontend combined change

As the title says, how do I propose a change to the frontend and backend. I could checkout the backend myself as I do know python, make the change and push it back but I don’t have the skill to do the necessary frontend changes. The thing is, it’s a simple change, at least for the backend :wink:

The objective is for the alarm panel and the backend function that tells the frontend, whether to show the user a code entry panel (numeric or alphanumeric) or no code entry panel at all. I want to decide this in the backend function code_format based on the currently logged in user (only available in the frontend). So I need the frontend to send the currently logged in user to the backend.

In file homeassistant\components\alarm_control_panel in class AlarmControlPanelEntity

Change it from this

class AlarmControlPanelEntity(Entity):
    """An abstract class for alarm control entities."""

    def code_format(self):
        """Regex for code format or None if no code is required."""
        return None

Adding , user = None like this

class AlarmControlPanelEntity(Entity):
    """An abstract class for alarm control entities."""

    def code_format(self, user = None):
        """Regex for code format or None if no code is required."""
        return None

This will keep it backwards compatible to existing versions

I need someone in the Frontend community (the developers) to help send in the current user information structure in to code_format. The user could be as simple as a string name but I would prefer that it is the User class from homeassistant\auth\

Can anyone out ther help please :smile: