How to query HA from a third app, like Loxone

Hi, I am new to HA, so apologies if this is a silly question:

I already have a Loxone installation that can query info from Domoticz. In the case of domoticz this is a json file which can be reached by browseing to http://user:paswoord@IPadres:8080/json.htm?etc

I wonder, how can I query HA from Loxone?

I have installed the PyLoxone integration but (unless I’m missing sth) it is not possible to retrieve numbers. If I set a Virtual Input “use as digital”, I get this in HA and I can control it both ways. But if I un-set “use as digital” (for example to retrieve a number) then this Virtual Input does not show up in HA.

Thanks for your advice!

Take a look at the Home Assistant REST API.

If you’re looking for information from a particular sensor, the /api/states/<entity_id> GET call is probably a good place to start.