Hi, need some help here.
I am using HomeAssistant in RaspberryPi4 using HA standard UI.
During initial setup of Pi, I successfuly setup Wifi access, using command
~nmcli device wifi connect “YOUR_SSID” password “YOUR_WIFI_PASSWORD”
through SSH terminal.
I have sucessfully setup the following as well,
- Duckdns, and I can access through https://XXX.duckdns.org. (with port forwarding)
- SSH and Web Terminal addons with RSA key,
- Samba Share addons
- Putty access with RSA keys
Because recently I heard that Wifi connection is not so secure, so I disable the Wifi by
~nmcli connection delete “ASUS 2.4”
Now when I try to reconnect the Wifi (change of mind) using the nmcli command (through terminal), I encounter such error.
May I know what has gone wrong, I am using the exact same method I used previously to connect the Wifi. But fail to connect now?
Or please let me know if ther are other method to connect my Pi4 to Wifi.
(Please note that I am not using hasbian and I can’t “Sudo this or that”)
Your help is much appreciated.