I used ubuntu 18.04. since v118, I`ve got the supervisor issue. I thought that updating the OS or the version will fix it… but the lastest version of docker 20.x is not supported.
I made the downgrade of docker the docker to 19.03.
Now all hassio core containter are working homeassistant, hassio_observer, hassio_supervisor, hassio_dns, hassio_audio, hassio_cli, hassio_multicast
But I lost all my addons container
On the UI, all addon are offline and the start action return 404 Client Error for http+docker://localhost…
Uninstall should work but I don`t want to lose the addon configuration
How to fix it ? or recover it ?
BTW, I still have someting in /usr/share/hassio/addons/data and /usr/share/hassio/addons.json
What i did, when i messed up my supervised install with switching the storage driver from docker, was going to pull every addon image again manually. This means, loggin in via ssh onto your host, having an HA supervisor browser tab open, going through each addon and note the version. Then pull the addon image from dockerhub with the correct version with like docker pull homeassistant/amd64-addon-mosquitto:5.1 for the official mosquitto addon in version 5.1. You have to use the correct “installed” version, else you get problems. The repo for the community addons is hassioaddons. And note, you need to use the correct image for your cpu architecture. If you ssh into your host and call docker ps you should see a lot of output, depneding on how many docker containers are running. See the entry for the supervisor. If its prefix is amd64, use for all addon images the amd64 version.
If you dont have the latest version of your addons installed, you can simply press update on the supervisor tab. That will pull automatically the correct images. Or you copy the /usr/share/hassio/addons/data folder onto a different location, delete and then install every addon but dont start it and then copy everything back. Tbh, the manual way of pulling the addons is annoying as hell, but i think its less annoying than copy files, uninstall everything, reinstall the addons, copy back the files and then start the addons. But the major work can be done in a graphical context.
Go to the addon config… copy to clipboard… delete addon… install addon… paste config… save config & start addon (don’t forget to note the network port if you map those…
Thx tenn0 & David, It’s more than a copy / paste of the configuration from the UI.
Because on some add-ons we have some keypair, db, other configuration in
I did a copy of /usr/share/hassio/addons/data in data.bck