How to reach Home Assistant through Starlink

Hello all,
As newbie here (just installed HA on Pi4 in March): I ran access through the iPhone app with DuckDNS what worked fine with Xplornet through satellite. Making a change toward StarLink I noticed that not only other devices are sending their data out any more but how to access HA through a StarLink connection? No direct IP accessable and the VPN’s that StarLink suggests are not intergrated in HA (yet). I hope to make the switch soon to fully StarLink if I’d know how to. Does anyone have idea’s how to do this?

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I’m trying through but because HA uses web socket, I can’t get to to work :frowning: I can get other protocols like SSH to connect to my Raspberry Pi but HA refuses. Not what you wanted to hear I guess but it’s something to try. May be you’ll get more luck than me.

Oh yes, I just found it!! With communication with Starlink I tried TailScale now, that is integrated in HA. And it works! Pretty simple to set up and I do not need to turn on or off when I come in the house or leave. Just GREAT!!

can you elaborate on your set up. I was excited to create home assistant on my Pi and take it to my cabin with starlink just to discover it won’t work remotely. I would love to give your solution a try but I am unsure what it is that you did.

looks like this might be the process The EASIEST VPN for Home Assistant - Tailscale Install - YouTube

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I’m looking at starlink, does this not work with nabu casa?

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It works. I’m currently using nabu casa with Starlink

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NabuCasa nearly always work due to the way it is designed.

The big issues with remote access are practically always the connections initiated from the internet.
This is where a users router lack features, where the routers NAT cause problems, where portforwarding is bugged, where the ISP use CarrierGrade NAT (CGN) or where the ISP does not route certain packets/protocols.

NabuCasa solves this by having a server on the internet where they have ensured that they have direct access to the internet and can therefore control the incoming connections to this server.
For the users their connections from their mobile devices and HA will in this case be outgoing instead of incoming and nearly all issues described then disappear.