Hi - just starting out with home automation with home assistant and currently planning what hardware I will be using - there is one thing I’m unsure about though.
I currently have 2-way switches for my kitchen lights - one is a dimmer in a 4-gang dimmer and the other is a SPST switch in a 3-gang light switch. I am planning to replace the 4-gang dimmer with a lightwave smart dimmer 4 Gang Dimmer Switch, 4 Way Dimmer Switch | Lightwave and that’s fine.
But for various reasons I won’t bore you with I need to keep the dumb 3-gang lightswitch the other end - I can’t use a lightwave 3-gang dimmer. I don’t believe you can wire a lightwave dimmer to work with a SPST lightswitch in a 2-way setup…so how can I make the dumb switch work to toggle the kitchen lights?
I have room in the backbox as well as a neutral. So my thought process so far has been - and I hope this makes sense - I could do with some device that is powered by 230v that when a connected switch is toggled just raises an event over some network. That way I could react to the event and send a command to the lightwave dimmer to toggle. I don’t think it matters whether this proposed device is zigbee or wifi? Happy to accomodate for both in my new setup.
But does any sort of device like this - one that wouldn’t actually be connected to any light, just a switch - exist?
Thanks in advance!