When I connect a new ZigBee device - how to get list of all available actions/services this device supports?
How to recognize/debug all information about the device class in HA that this device is recognized as?
For example, I have a ZigBee thermostat that is controlling my radiator (heater). It is connected via ZigBee integration.
Device is quite nicely recognized and offers two controls in the UI. It even allows to use basic functionality (set target temperature and choose preset) with the UI.
But there are no debug information what actions and services are available for this device, nor what type/class is assigned to it in HA.
This leads to some confusion further on - when building an integration, a valid action (‘set target temperature’) is not offered for this device (despite HA UI interfaces knew about it).
You can access this functionality indirectly via Service and climate device (which apprently this device was recognized as one) but here I still dont know (explicetely) which actions are viable (e.g. ‘set target temperature’ is available, but no ‘set target humidity’). Somehow HA UI recognizes this properly, so I am guessing this information is present, just not show for the developer/user.
Available actions for the device:
If you use Service and choose Climate: Set temperature
But this can be misleading, since works the same way for services this device does not support, for example ‘Set target humidity’ (no such setting for this thermostat):
Device info does not says directly what services are provided (nor what type/class of device this one is match:
State debugger ofers preview of current state and its attributes:
But shall I use SetState()
to to control the device? Isn’t actions for that very purpose? Several attributes here are pointless to programm (preset_modes, current_temperature, hvac_modes - they are readings from the device).