Hi all,
I believe this should be an easy question, however I indeed have not found out the answer after several nights digging.
I’m having a Dart WZ-S HCHO sensor here, I would like to use it with ESP8266, and use ESPHome to have an entity showing values in HA, I’m seeing the data from UART debug saying as below (’,’ is the separator I added in log_hex part).
[20:57:40][D][uart_debug:114]: <<< FF,17,04,00,01,04,13,88,45
[20:57:41][D][uart_debug:114]: <<< FF,17,04,00,01,04,13,88,45
[20:57:42][D][uart_debug:114]: <<< FF,17,04,00,01,04,13,88,45
[20:57:43][D][uart_debug:114]: <<< FF,17,04,00,01,04,13,88,45
[20:57:44][D][uart_debug:114]: <<< FF,17,04,00,01,04,13,88,45
My biggest problem here is how could I get the 5th and 6th digits (…01,04…) maybe as string or dec. (Then I should be able to do some math and make it available in HA, which I believe should not be very complicate.)
I’m having some programming background, but unfortunately not familiar with C/C++, for .h file, I could only modify in original frame and not be able to improvise.
I’m so appreciated if you could share some webpages or maybe some codes with me (or just point me a direction or anything), just been crazy for such an obstacle.