How to read power state from a VeraEdge device in HA

In an other threat I did ask the next question, but I recognized it was the wrong chapter to ask:

I’m working in node RED:
My zwave with a dongle straight to HA was giving bad reliability, so I decided to order a VeraEdge as zwave hub.
I installed it and for test I paired a Neo coolcam wallplug.
It is vissible into HA and can control it by nodeRED so the basics are working.
If I connect a neo coolcam plug straight to HA I do have a lot of entities to act with. Also power for example.
From Vera devices I only see one entity switch on and off the plug, no sensors.

I like to have the possibility to switch on power usage.
At the tile on the overview I do see the power changing. How to check on this in nodeRED without having the sensor entitie “power usage”?
I learned that it is a “state”, but how to read the state in this case from:
the state is named:

I tried: states.switch.neo_10_kerst_raam_4.attributes.current_power_w in a current state node, but didn’t succeed, giving an error: entity could not be found in cache


If vera doesn’t create the power sensors then you can create yours via template sensor, extracting the value from the attributes

Yours should be something like:

- platform: template
      value_template: '{{ state_attr("switch.neo_10_kerst_raam_4", "current_power_w") }}'
      icon_template: mdi:battery
      unit_of_measurement: "W"
      friendly_name: "Switch Power"

then you can just put a state or trigger node to track the state change an do flow automations in nodered

Thank you very much for your clear answer.
It is working now!!