How to reboot Chromecast with Google tv

My “Chromecast with Google tv” needs to be rebooted every few days otherwise the remote controller becomes unresponsive.
Google support didn’t help me yet and it seems a quite common issue.
So, there’s a way to programmatically reboot the device every N days?

I have the exact same issue and looking for the same solution, following.

I’m also looking for the same solution - if the chromecast comes online before my plex server, it caches the state it determines on startup, which means it doesn’t see the plex server. Anyone find a solution yet?

I tried to find out the same as my Chromecast also locks up once in a while.
It seems that the pychromecast which is used by HomeAssistant does not support this. Neither does the catt. I also checked if the Google Cast API supports rebooting or turning the device on/off, but it seems like it does not.
So as far as I can see the only option we have is to do a powercycle via a smart plug or so.
Or (and thats what I’m going to do) just stop using a product that needs forced power cycles in order to function properly.
It is a pitty as the old Chromecast device I had worked flawlessly for years.

I completely forgot about this thread until I received the “new reply” notification!
In my case, I’ve never found a way to reboot the Chromecast but I found that the problem was a conflict between a bluetooth device which I used to broadcast the audio and the remote controller; once I unpaired the audio device, the issue disappeared.
Of course, I notified this to Google support but I never received a feedback.
Hope this helps

If you turn on ADB/USB debugging (video tutorial) and connect your Chromecast through the Android Debug Bridge Integration, you can accomplish a reboot simply by issuing the following command:

adb shell reboot

This command is built into my Firemote Project and it works without fail.

If you wanted to use that command in a script:

action: androidtv.adb_command
  command: adb shell reboot

or you could create a dashboard button with this YAML…

show_name: true
show_icon: true
type: button
  action: perform-action
  perform_action: androidtv.adb_command
    entity_id: {YOUR ENTITY ID GOES HERE}
    command: adb shell reboot

Or… (shameless plug) you could always use Firemote :smile:

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