How to recalibrate Ketotek TRV?

I’ve bought a China TRV (Avatto clone)

To play around with it, i’ve “simulated” the resistance of the heater needle in the first initialization (“LA” mode). Here the motor push the neelde back and forth to get the endoints. If it is not fitted to a valve and does not detect a resistance, it will go to “F5”.

Now, i want to mount that TRV to a heater but i do not find how to reset the device to calibrate again? The “manual” states that if you reinsert the batteries when the device is NOT mounted, it will recalibrate. Indeed it shows “LA” and starts retracting the needle. But at the inner position it immediately turns the other way. From the manual that should not happen, it should stop and wait for the knob-press before trying to turn out the needle again.

Can anybody help me with that?

After mounting the device on a radiator, it does not work like expected, it’s much to hot (27-28 degree, where i setup 16 as point

I guess the calibration of the needle is wrong.

Meanwhile i got in contact with the manufacturer support. Even they replied… but can’t really help me. They like to have the Device-ID but i can’t provde it because Z2M does not fetch or show it somewhere. And i can’t use their native app, because i do not have the foreign gateway from them.

I have one of these and had the same issues but just managed to get it to recalibrate and now it’s shutting off the valve.

I followed the instructions in the manual, has to say LA after inserting batteries then press the button. LA didn’t flash, so I pressed again I don’t know if that is significant. LA still didn’t flash but I could hear the valve calibrating.

If it isn’t a permanent fix then its getting swapped with a sonoff they seem to work ok, just very mixed results on the temp sensors.

I recalibrated with it on the radiator.

And 1 day later when the valve should have been closed , the rad was on

Either it loses its calibration or theres a firmware error ….

I will see if I get a refund else bin it , unless someone knows why it does this!