How to receive Qingping air monitor lite data through wi-fi not bluetooth

I have setup my Qingping following the instructions in the documentation and it kind of works, but it seems to send data via Bluetooth only as can be seen on the screenshot. This isn’t any good. As soon as I move the unit into another room, the signal drops as expected and I get interruptions. What I need is a data connection through wifi not Bluetooth.

(Btw I have installed the Qingping app on my iPhone and it works reliably there, utilising the wifi signal. It is not connected to HomeKit.)

I have spend hours reading through discussions and instructions but I am non the wiser.

How can I get HA to connect to my Qingping Air Monitor Lite through Wi-Fi? Any help would be appreciated.

You have two options:

Option 1:

It looks like the Qingping integration only uses Bluetooth.

You can add ESPHome Bluetooth proxies to your wifi network to extend Bluetooth coverage.

See: Bluetooth Proxy — ESPHome

And: Ready-Made Projects — ESPHome

Also this is worth a read: Qingping devices not showing up with bluetooth proxy · Issue #112502 · home-assistant/core · GitHub

Option 2:

To use wifi instead of Bluetooth set the device up as a HomeKit Device instead of using the Qingping integration:

In my limited experience with Homekit devices (basically only Lifx) I found they have less functionality than using a core integration. I do not have these Qingping devices though so you will have to try it and see what is available via Homekit.

Thank you so much for your quick response, tom_l. This has been extremely clear and valuable information, much appreciated.

I ended up going with your Option 2 and followed this section: ADDING A HOMEKIT DEVICE VIA APPLE THREAD BORDER ROUTER. I don’t think I spent more than 5 minutes on it (unlike with all my original attempts) and the result is better than ever before, plus I could pull out the Bluetooth dongle out again :slight_smile:

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Hey, does this 2. option only work when there is a thread border router in the network?