How to receive variation between to attribute of time of one sensor

Hello I have a sensor from sun2 integration
this sensor give me this information

yesterday: 10.130433253333335
today: 10.19020177
tomorrow: 10.250294356944444
yesterday_hms: '10:07:49'
today_hms: '10:11:24'
tomorrow_hms: '10:15:01'
unit_of_measurement: hr
icon: mdi:weather-sunny
friendly_name: Daylight

I would like to calculate the différence in minutes and seconds between yesterday and today and between today and tomorrow

I try in sand box
{{((( - ((states.sensor.daylight.attributes.yesterday))))*60
{{ - states.sensor.daylight.attributes.yesterday }}
{{((( - ((states.sensor.daylight.attributes.yesterday))))| timestamp_custom(’ %M:%S’,false) | replace(" 0", “”)
{{ states(‘’) | float - states(‘sensor.daylight.attributes.yesterday’) | float }}

Some one can help me please
