How to reduce display of binary sensor by hiding the state -text

Using HA OS (v13.1) Core 2024.8.3 on a RPI4 and I am new to Yaml code. On my Lovelace-dash I have a few Motion Sensors from Philips Hue on a entities-card. They show me when there’s movement in a certain area (eg bathroom, kitchen etc), bij turning yellow en changing the icon from mdi:motion-sensor to icon: mdi:motion-sensor-off. So far so good.

But next to the friendly name of the area, there’s also the state in text…
“Niet gedetecteerd” or “Off” when there’s no movement
“Beweging gedetecteerd” or “On” when there’s movement

In Yaml-codeview I can’t see where this is coded.
But I don’t want this information displayed in the entities-tile, because it’s too much. When there’s movement, I can see that by the “movement-icon” and the colorchange to yellow of that icon.
Also tried “hide_state: true” which works in a tile-card , but not in this entities-card

Is there a way to not show the string “Niet gedetecteerd / Uit” or “Beweging gedetecteerd / Aan”? See also what I mean in the photshopped result:

Use a glance card instead of an entities card.

You have control over visibility of the state in this card type.

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If you need exactly Entities card, not the Glance card - google about a custom:template-entity-row

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Thanx guys! The Glance card helped me out. In combination with displaying the entities as an object and adding the boolean show_last_changed: true per entity it worked! Will also google the custom: template entity row, but for now I can go on with this solution!