How to refer to attributes in config yaml

I have a wifi thermostat that was auto discovered, and it created an entity and the entity has attributes. I’d like to include these attributes for data collection in the configuration.yaml, but I’m unsure about the correct way to reference the entity and the specific attributes.

For example: In the config yaml, should it be:

Do I need the “climate.”?

And when referring to the attributes of the entity, is it just the dot field:


This is what the entity explorer displays for the thermostat entity.

You might have to use a template sensor if you want to reference them individually alternatively you can use specific cards such as the custom button card and access it this way

label: >
    [[[ return 'Other State: ' + states['switch.skylight'].state;

Ok. Does that mean that attributes of entities are not directly addressable? I need to basically make another sensor?

I gave you two examples. You can either use a template sensor or you can use a card that has access to attributes such as a button card.

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