Problem: when I enter the deconz “add new switch > others” detection mode, and then long press the device to start blinking, nothing happens in deconz.
Any idea why it might not be found? How can I “debug” the process?
Have you checked the other DeConz categories? Sometimes you‘ll find paired devices under lights although it’s a switch…
I have wasted way too much time with DeConz‘ „specialities“ and since I‘ve ditched it for Zigbee2MQTT (ZHA will also be better) I have not seen any pairing issues no matter what kind of device or vendor…
As I said: DeConz has been a pain for me from the beginning. Since switching to a C2652P stick with Z2M it’s been completely hassle-free…
But good you found your switch under lights
Depends what zigbee integration you intend to use it with.
Confusingly, searching for this device in Z2MQTT shows 2 different devices. One (Aubess) supports power metering, while for the generic Tuya one power metering seems to not be officially supported