How to remove a good Z-Wave node?

I’ve spent most of today trying to remove a Z-Wave device. It is not reporting as failed, so as far as HA is concerned, it’s a good device. I’ve tried using the GUI and the zwave.remove_node service with data: {“node_id”: 4 }, restarted HA, rebooted the Raspberry- but the node just won’t go away.

Any tips would be appreciated.


These operations don’t actually remove the node directly. As I understand it, they just put the z-wave controller/network into exclusion mode. While this is happening you have to do something at the device itself. (E.g., for a switch you typically tap the switch.) This is similar to the process you used to add the node in the first place.

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Thanks pnbruckner. If everything were only that simple…

From your tip, here’s a summary of how I removed a working z-wave device:
Click on Configuration.
In Z-Wave Node Management, Select the node to remove.
Click on remove node
Click on the z-wave switch to unpair it. (The LED blinked)
Restart Home Assistant
Run “Heal Network

You should see something like this at the end of the OZW Log to verify it’s been properly removed:
2018-08-04 22:21:37.642 Detail, Node004, Notification: NodeRemoved

Hope this helps someone else.


@stevemann Unless you followed the advice of @pnbruckner your device will still have the original connection tokens. When repairing you should do a remove node first and tap the switch before you do an add node.

Got it- I forgot to put that into my summary above. (Edited)

Thank you for your guide.
But … what do you mean by ‘click on the z-wave switch to unpair it (the LED blinked)’. What switch? On the Z-Wave USB controller? The include / exclude switch on the z-wave device?

Every Z-Wave device has an unpair process. In the case of my GE switch that was giving me problem, just tell the controller (in Config, Z-Wave Network Management) to remove a node, then click on either on or off on the GE switch.

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