How to remove dead "fake" nodes?

In the course of “SmartStart” inclusion, my controller often adds a handful of “fake” nodes before a successfully adding the real node (if at all). It seems like these attempts time out at ProtocolInfo or NodeInfo… but leave a residual numbered node in my table in Z-wave JS UI, with either “Unknown” device/manufacturer, or correct device/manufacturer but no name or location. Even after days, these do not go away.

I would like to remove them, but the “Remove Failed Node” command in Z-Wave JS UI
doesn’t actually remove them. Depending on the node it either (a) completes successfully, but the node remains in the list, (b) fails because the node cannot be found (?), or (c) fails because the node is not dead (even though it shows a red frowning face under “Status” and “Last Active” is “Never”). Is there any way to force removal of a dead node like this?

Relatedly: I see references to “failed” nodes, to “dead nodes”, and to nodes with red frowning faces in the Status column in Z-Wave JS UI. Do these all mean the same thing or is there a difference between “failed” and “dead”?

Thank you!

System setup:

  • Home Assistant running on a Home Assistant Green
  • Zooz ZST39 LR controller / FW v1.20 / SDK v7.19.3
  • Core v2024.6.2 / Supervisor v2024.06.0 / OS v12.3 / Frontend 20240610.0
  • Z-Wave JS UI 9.13.4 / Z-Wave JS 12.10.0
  • Typical memory and CPU usage are quite low (~1-2GB out of 4Gb, and usually single digit % of CPU)
  • Approx 70 Z-wave nodes (Mostly 800 series included as standard Z-wave. A few 700 or 500 series devices; and a few 800 series devices included as Z-wave LR)

These may not be ephemeral as per our discussion in the other thread. I don’t actually know, but it seems that since the nodes are in the “Protocol” state and even one of them has been heard from, I think it means that they were actually included to the point where the node-IDs are now stored on the Z-Stick, its just that ZWaveJS has not been able to interview them (probably because those node-IDs are not actually used by any node). If you can’t individually remove them via the “Remove Failed Node”, then seems like a bug.

I have the same problem… but how do you add a dead node that no longer exists to the failed list. If I could do that then all may be golden?

I can remove from zwave devices in HA but each time I reboot it comes back in JS UI. I just want it gone as I’m a tidy freak and also wonder if it is eating resources and causing extra network traffic. Ive managed it before but just not this time?

Also to add extra info, the original device took several attempts to add and does exist on the wave network as another node after several attempts which is probably how this dead node existed… does this cause confusion to removing its previous node status? it was fully reset before adding again.

Just doing my head in now!

Thanks in advance, Im 3 years into HA and not a noob but do rely on google to get me through most days… I have to with nearly 300 Wave and Zigbee devices in HA… lol…

Any advice most welcome!


Well I’m all sorted! :blush: how did I do it? Not 100% sure…. I reset the device and removed from HA and then managed to remove the failed node 84 so it seems that it was still hanging on to something done some reboots of HA in between and reset the device a few times… and then re-added the device. Sorted… my way may not be technical but anything can be used as a hammer! :rofl:. Glad to be part of the community and will help others where I can… nothing has stumped me so far even if I have lost sleep in the process. :+1: