How to remove duplicate device registration

I use the Synology DSM integration and have set up many devices there. I noticed that a device (camera) is duplicated. One device contains an active entity and the other device is empty. This means that one device is a fake.
What is the easiest way to delete the duplicate device?
Perhaps the easiest way would be to delete and recreate the Synology integration?
With regard to this integration, I want to avoid that the many automations I have created no longer work properly afterwards.


Don’t have knowledge on the specific integration itself, if it is an integration entry, you should be able to delete it from integrations page (or dangerously editing core.config_entries.yaml), if it is a device of an integration, you should be able to delete it from UI, right?

The device could be deactivated by the UI but it could not be deleted.

Did you ever resolve this? I have the same issue

Only the “_3” camera works - and I am not sure how the other two got registered again.

There is only one entry in the YAML for this camera

As I remember, I have reinstalled the integration for Synology and everything works as expected.