How to remove duplicate iOS mobile app device.tracker devices?

Hello all,

I am on the latest updates of Home Assistant. I am seeing duplicate iOS mobile devices. How do I remove the duplicate entry? The UI does not give me the option to remove the device and there are no options with the Mobile App integration.



From the integrations menu, select the duplicate device then once viewing the device, select the three dots in the lower right, then click delete. You may need to restart to get everything to work fully.

While you are working on this, go ahead and delete all the devices associated with your phone, update to the latest iphone app. I forget the reason, but you will need to undergo this process when upgrading to 2020.5.

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I did as you suggested and restarted. Now i can’t login through mobile app or browser with any user. Help?

Are you on iOS 14 beta? There are lots of issues with that unfortunately, especially with b5 where tapping buttons causes the webview to crash/refresh.

One workaround I’ve seen to login is to use the keyboard to press “return” rather than tapping the login button.

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Much appreciated! Using return verses clicking the next button worked. Much appreciated! Basically iOS14 B5 is really bad overall. Hope B6 comes out shortly.

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