How to remove unknown device from group in zigbee2mqtt?

I have two bulps that I do not have anymore (gave them away), which show up in a zigbee2mqtt group as an Unknown Device.

I tried zigbee2mqtt/bridge/config/remove and different payloads to remove them (I still can see the id from the hover over link of the menu) but I cannot remove it :frowning:

Also pressing the red remove icon results in an error “Device Unknown Device does not exist”. :frowning:

How can I remove those two former bulps from the group?

Big thank you in advance.

(restarting home assistant also did not help)


Restart zigbee2mqtt?

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I was searching for how to do it, could not find it within zigbee2mqtt and thought restart of HA would do the same.
Now I searched again and found it under add-ons, and yes it solved it :slight_smile: thank you soo much :+1:

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hello @nickrout , unfortunately I celebrated too early, they are still there somewhow, showing up in the logs as an error also when restarting zigbee2mqtt, also restarted the broker already and everything :frowning:

for some reason it still tries to find these devices

Zigbee2MQTT:error 2022-03-20 07:59:37: Cannot find ‘0xcc86ecfffe78bcec/1’ of group ‘all_non_hue_bridge_lights’
Zigbee2MQTT:error 2022-03-20 07:59:37: Cannot find ‘0xcc86ecfffe7215bd/1’ of group ‘all_non_hue_bridge_lights’
Zigbee2MQTT:error 2022-03-20 07:59:37: Cannot find ‘0x00178801082a17c8/11’ of group ‘all_non_hue_bridge_lights’

maybe there is anything else I can try?

Did you try to remove it in the Zigbee2mqtt interface ? The red trash can.

Hello francisp,

thank you very much, yes I mentioned it in the initial post:

“Also pressing the red remove icon results in an error “Device Unknown Device does not exist”. :frowning:

Really wondering, if there is no way … I mean what do users do if a light breaks? that can happen sometimes I suppose.
And then you have this error data in the system, if it is not deletable :confused:

As a last resort I would shutdown z2m and backup the below 3 files:

  • /usr/share/hassio/share/zigbee2mqtt/groups.yaml
  • /usr/share/hassio/share/zigbee2mqtt/devices.yaml
  • /usr/share/hassio/share/zigbee2mqtt/database.db

and then manually edit those files deleting every reference to

  • ‘0xcc86ecfffe78bcec/1’ of group ‘all_non_hue_bridge_lights’
  • ‘0xcc86ecfffe7215bd/1’ of group ‘all_non_hue_bridge_lights’
  • ‘0x00178801082a17c8/11’ of group ‘all_non_hue_bridge_lights’

and start z2m thereafter.


Hi @Tamsy , that is very helpful, thank you very much. In my case I now asked the bulps back today (temprorary, gave them to family) and just paired them again and removed them. So for now I am good, but if a light breaks or I cannot get them back I will do what you suggest, that is great, thank you very much :+1:

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Had the same issue and manually removed them this way:

  • Stop Z2M
  • nano configuration.yaml, search for the missing id’s, delete those lines
  • Restart Z2M

Error’s are gone.

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