How to rename default_view and give it an icon?

I want my default_view with an other name then HOME (or prefereable without a name at all) and just an icon. I set a icon and try changing the name. If I look in the development tool, I see that both values are set correctly but the view in the interface ist still named HOME and without an icon. I tried with costomize: too, but that has the same effect. There are no errors logged.
Does anyone have an idea? And maybe an idea how to not only change the name but remove it? Thanks :slight_smile:

The name of your default_view is actually defined by the following in your configuration.yaml:

  name: WhateverYouWannaCallThis

As far as I know, your default_view cannot be customized with an icon at the moment.

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That changed the name: Thank you.
If I can’t use an Icon for the default view, can I deactivate it, overwrite or hide it so another group becomes the default one where I can use an icon?