How to repeate an MQTT msg 3 times

Hi All.
Thanks for the great job.

I’m having a little issue.
I’n controlling a few AC with simple IR emitter LED and Tasmota, and SmartIR. It works great.

But, as for the codes I read my AC’ controllers with an IR receiver, they are not perfect, and sometimes I need to press the button 2 or 3 times to turn it on and off.

So, what I want is a way to automate this “pressing 3 times”. I’m looking for an automation to repeat each MQTT msg going to the AC 3 times.

Any Ideas??

Thanks a lot

You can do that as a Tasmota rule or you can make an HA script and call the script when you need to run your IR.

it will be great to do it as a Tasmota Rule. Can you gide me? There is nothing about it in the rule’s guide.


There is lots of information on the page I linked.

I have never used Tasmota for IR so I have no idea about the syntax.