How to replace card title mdi icon with custom png?

How can I change the card mdi icon below to a custom png image; such as a photo?
Here’s my card code:

  - entity: sensor.pvg100_battery_level
    name: 'Battery Level:'
  - entity: sensor.pvg100_wifi_connection
    name: 'Wi-fi:'
  - entity: person.alyssa_person
    name: 'Location:'
icon: 'mdi:account'
show_header_toggle: false
title: Alyssa
type: entities

I tried changing icon: 'mdi:account with icon: '/local/images/Alyssa.png’; however, that didn’t work. If it’s not possible to do this way, maybe there’s a custom card that will let me do this?

If this is a limitation of Lovelace UI, maybe someone could tell me an alternative way to display the person’s name by itself with a png image… maybe, by creating a custom entity that doesn’t show anything for its state.

What you want to do is not currently possible (you can open a feature request for it on the frontend repo). However you can get kind of close by just adding an image to the person entity.

    entity_picture: "/local/alyssa_avatar.jpg"

Then instead of the default “eye” icon you’ll see her photo next to where it says Location.

I finally figured it out. I just created a blank sensor template. Thanks @SeanM. I might add a feature request.

 - platform: template
       value_template: " "

This allowed me to add an entity without a value. I was then able to specify any picture and name I wanted in the cards themselves.