How to represent currency in both mqtt device class / unit of measurement and in lovelace?

Need help with 3 things:

  • What device class to use to represent money?
  • Is it a valid unit_of_measurement “$”?
  • How can I make lovelace represent dollars on the left hand side?


There isn’t one because the unit_of_measure is different for every currency.

Anything you want. $ would work.

You’ll need something custom. I recommend lovelace template entity row with the following template:

- type: custom:template-entity-row
  entity: sensor.current_month_est_price
  state: "{{ state_attr('sensor.current_month_est_price', 'unit_of_measurement') }}{{ states('sensor.current_month_est_price') }}"

Thank you! I figured a template sensor was the way to go but this is better I think.