How to reset MFA for a single user

I am using TOTP to secure my Home Assistant and it works fine for me.

However, my wife’s login has stopped accepting the code generated by her app.

I am able to reset her password from Settings > People but this does not do anything to MFA.

I am able to disable by own MFA from my profile page, but can’t see where to do this for other users.

How can I get her connected again without completely resetting MFA for everyone using my system?

Ok - I found the MFA token for the affected user in /config/.storage/auth_module.totp. I changed what was set in the code generator app on their phone to match that, and the new code generated worked to login.


just had the same issue. in the authenticator app, you have to add a new account ith the key from that totp file above.

I had to get the user id from the people page to see which was which.

Hello. I’m having the same issue and I’m trying to locate Config however I don’t have that setting.

Any suggestions?